
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Rainwater Recharge System?

Groundwater recharge is a hydrologic process, where water moves downward from surface water to groundwater. Groundwater is recharged naturally by rain water.

Catchment Area, Conveyance System, First Flush, Filter Media and Recharge well are the principal components of Rain Water Recharge System.

  1. Flood mitigation
  2. Increasing groundwater levels
  3. Greater water availability
  4. Prevents Soil Erosion
  5. Reduces Strain on Municipal Water Supply

A rainwater recharging system can be retro-fitted into an existing building depending on the layout of the building and the type of system to be integrated. However, integration during construction usually allows for more options and a more seamless application.

It is a fallacy that there is an over-abundance of water available for our use in the states. The population of the city is expected to double over the next 50 years and existing surface water and groundwater resources are being depleted. Rainwater harvesting/Recharging provides us an opportunity to conserve and extend our existing resources.

Rainwater is the ultimate source of all the fresh water that we use. In India, rainfall occurs in short periods of high intensity, allowing the rain falling on the surface to flow away fast. This leaves little scope for recharging the groundwater, which results in water scarcity in most parts of the country. Through RWH, this erratic rainfall can be conserved, stored & used as per convenience, either directly or for recharging groundwater.

You, me and everybody! It will not only provide you with water in times of acute water shortage, but will also recharge the groundwater and increase its level. Rainwater recharging System can be done in homes, apartments, societies, schools, institutions, commercial premises and any other space as long as there is a catchment area in the form of a roof or open space to capture the rain.

Percolation trench, Percolation pit, Percolation trench with bore, Percolation pit with bore, Percolation pond are the options / methods for collecting / storing rainfall in subsoil / aquifer.

It is a process by which the groundwater is augmented at a rate exceeding that obtained under natural conditions of replenishment. Any man made facility that adds water to an aquifer may be considered to be an artificial recharge system.

The rainwater harvested/Recharged depends upon the catchment area, the rainfall pattern in the area and the collection system used. To understand the potential for rainwater harvesting, let's take the example of a house in Surat with a terrace area of 100 sq.meter Taking the average annual rainfall in surat as 1293 mm, and assuming 70% harvesting efficiency (as some rainwater will be lost due to evaporation, collection etc.)

Volume of water harvested = Catchment area x Rain Fall x harvesting efficiency
= 100 x 1.293 x 0.7
= 90,510 liters

This volume is more than twice the annual drinking water requirement of a 5-member family, whose average daily drinking water requirement is 10 lpcd.

Rain water recharging System required annual cleaning of the filter media and purification of system equipment before monsoon.

The cost will vary depending upon the catchment area and the conveyance system finalized. There are three options of the low-cost rainwater recharge systems which design and cost are shown below.

To promote Rain water Harvesting/Recharging System, Gujarat government have made necessary provisions in their building bye-laws to make installation of rain water harvesting systems mandatory. Rainwater Harvesting System added in Swarnim Jayanti Mukhya Mantri Shaheri Vikas Yojana (SJMMSVY) under 70:20:10 Lokbhagidari scheme for installation of Rain Water Harvesting/Recharging System.

As per the Gujarat Development Control Regulation (GDCR) building with area more than 80 Sq.meter to 4000 Sq.meter and more have mandatory to install Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) System for obtaining plan approval or Building Use Certificate (BUC).

Sr no. Detail Percentage of grant out of total expenditure Remarks
1 Private Society / Flats Residential area 70 % State Government State Government Fund under Private Public Participation Scheme of Shri Swarnim Jayanti Public Contribution Fund (GFMB) of the Society
20% Private Society Public Contribution fund of the society.
(1) 10% grant Form MLA or Local Corporator
(2) 10% Society Fund.
10% Surat Municipal Corporation Urban Local Body (Surat Municipal Corporation)

Rain Water Harvesting

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Last Modified Date:  04-Jan-2020


Hydraulic Engineer, Dr. Ambedkar Shopping Centre,
Man-Darwaja, Ring Road, Surat- 395003, Gujarat, INDIA
+91 261 2423750-56